Human-centered Facilitation and Project Management

We facilitate collaboration and manage projects by leveraging the ideas, expertise and experience of individuals and teams to find effective, inclusive solutions together.

Meeting Facilitation

 We work with you to identify the collaboration styles and activities that work best for your needs and then facilitate team collaboration for you using the model we created together using human-centered design thinking techniques from various respected schools of innovation.

PMO Strategy Consulting

We work with you and your team to develop a PMO that fits you, your business, and your people, leading to more consistent delivery of results and happier, more productive people.

Collaboration can be hard.

We’ve all been part of a project that either swirls aimlessly around many different ideas or focuses in on only one right away, leaving a team wondering why this was even a meeting to begin with. Poorly facilitated projects and meetings are a waste of people’s valuable time, engagement, effort, morale, and your business’ money.

We can help.

A Collaboration Facilitator works with you and your team to identify both what is important to your business and what supports your people. We work with you to identify the collaboration styles and activities that will work best for you and then facilitate collaboration for you using the model we created together until you and your team are confident in your new way of working.

Your Ideas

You’re an expert at what you do and you probably have lots of ideas buzzing around your head about making your business better.  Through Facilitated Collaboration, we can take those floating ideas, tie strings to each of them, and pin them along the path in front of you.

Our Approach

Combining your expertise and our ability to help leaders and teams think through their goals and opportunities, we will together create the strategies and solutions your business needs to thrive.


Making it Happen

The best plans are only as effective as their implementation!  Our Project Management Team combines experience across diverse industries and project management practices to assemble and lead the team you need.  How can we help?


 What Is Collaboration?
What Can Collaboration Do?

Collaboration is nothing more than people working together to produce or create something but guiding effective collaboration is a skill.  Each person comes to collaboration with their own perspective and experience (and sometimes baggage). 

A collaboration facilitator will help you and your people navigate a customized human-centered experience to make the most of these differences and celebrate the inclusivity and success that comes from working together.  

Team Building, Off-Site and Meeting Faciliation

Virtually or IRL, teams need to come together to grow and get things done.  With your needs and goals in focus, let our team guide yours through engaging, productive, and friction-free connection.

PMO Building and Strategy
Human-centered Project Management combines traditional PM roles with an emphasis on collaboration and facilitation. Our focus on Project Management Organizations development has a direct impact on project success, client satisfaction and a cohesive sense of team purpose.
Collaboration Partnership

Even the greatest business innovators need to think out loud, receive counsel and collaborate.  And changing the way we lead to be more collaborative can take a lot of coaching.  Whether through formal collaboration sessions or 1:1 consultation, we will help you bring your ideas outside of your head and help you hit your team’s targets together!

Hospitality and Service Consulting

With 16 years experience in the coffee industry, Hospitality and Service has become an acute area of focus for Brandon.  In these environments, collaboration is often between three parties:  Owners/Managers, Employees and the Customer.  Brandon’s collaboration will help you keep these three in balance as you address your business’s needs.

Who is LB Collaborations?

Lacey Mathews

Lacey Mathews

With 15+ years of Operations and Project Management experience, Lacey brings organizational design, process development, and PMO building to the forefront of each collaboration. Throughout her career, she has overseen the development and completion of enterprise-level projects and platforms, leveraging skillful utilization of project plans, budget tracking, risk mitigation, and direct resource management. She has a proven track record of success in designing and building PMOs along with her own unique style of coaching for human-centered teams and growing organizations. 

Certifications and Skills: Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Scrum Master (CSM), and Certified Product Owner (CSPO), Master’s in Business Administration with a focus on process development

Brandon Giles

Brandon Giles

To read a mind is impossible.  To extract what’s inside a mind, you need Brandon.  With 12+ years of Leadership and People Management across a diverse range of industries, Brandon’s experience in Project Management, Education and Engagement, Hospitality Operations, Theater/Film Production, and Non-Profit Leadership create a unique sounding board for leaders and teams, regardless of industry or specialty.

Facilitating effective Collaboration has always been key to Brandon’s process, leading him to pursue training and certifications in project management (UCI), human centered design (IDEO), business and strategy innovation (IDEO) and several other methodologies that help bring out the most authentic ideas from the subject matter experts he supports. 


Brandon brings his authentic self everywhere he goes and brings the authenticity out of the participants within every conversation he guides.

-Ryan Morris, Board Member, Green Lents

It’s exciting to see the inside of my brain on the outside!

-Small Business Owner, after Strategy Session

“Lacey combines this knowledge with her innate skill of understanding, and drawing out the needs of clients to meet the demands of technology. Her ability to bridge the gap in between business stakeholders, and engineering teams is very valuable.

-Praveen Narra, Owner, Tech.US

Reach out to LB Collaborations

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